Thursday, June 2

Who woulda thunk it

When my parents separated in Oct. '01 and then got divorced a while later, it wasn't a big surprise. In fact, my sisters and I had often wondered when it would happen. I suppose that since it wasn't such a suprise, I never thought that it would effect me very much - emotionally. Granted, there's the whole getting used to my mom asking for dating advise and my dad starting a new family with a wife that's practically my age...those things I knew I'd have to adjust to. But I have recently discovered that there's a whole other realm of emotional issues that I hadn't realized I was needing to deal with.
After they split, my drive to accomplish some of the career goals that I had kinda faded into the background. Not that I'm blaming my parents for it - it's all on me. I do think, however, that their splitting up triggered something within me that said "well, if they've given up trying, what's the point of my trying anymore?" I know, it's the drama of every divorced kid. I guess that I just figured that since I'm over 25 and living my own life, that I'd be immune somehow. Not so it turns out.
Do you ever wish that you could just push a button and release all of the complexes and emotional mazes that seem to stem from your parents?


Anonymous said...

wow...sooo true. Never thought of it that way. She calls asking for dating advice? know I LOVE YA!-#3

cynthia said...

yes, push a button or take a pill, either would be fine. ;)

Anonymous said...

Crazy! Chad is actually doing the new Asian Star kitchen. He pulled the Steve Terry connection and it went over very well with Gary.